How to Meal Plan for a Large Family

Buying food and cooking for a large family is a challenge. You have to factor in your budget, planning, and everyone’s different preferences. There are a lot of things you can do to make meal planning easier on you and your wallet.

Reduce Your Costs

If you are shopping to feed a large family, you are probably worried about how much money you will end up spending. One of the best ways to save money is to keep an inventory of what you already have. Knowing what you have in your refrigerator, freezer, and pantry can save you money by not buying something you already have. You should also keep an eye on digital coupons at your local grocery store. Many stores now have apps so you can keep the coupons on your phone to scan when you checkout. Another good way to reduce your food costs is to use what is going to expire soon in your next meal. 

Be Mindful of Diet Restrictions

The challenge of meal planning for a large family is making food that everyone can enjoy. This is especially true if people in your family have dietary restrictions. Members of your family may have problems with certain foods and not even know why, of course. A gastroenterologist can diagnose celiac disease and distinguish it from gluten intolerance. Luckily, there are a lot of great meals you can cook without things like gluten, dairy, or meat. There are a lot of substitutes for flour and other gluten-containing recipe ingredients. Milk substitutes and vegan cheeses can also be used in place of the real thing. 

Make a Food Shopping Schedule

Another good way to be a successful meal planner is to plan for food shopping. Many families prefer to go grocery shopping once a week to purchase ingredients needed for that week. Deciding what meals you want to make during the week will help you make a shopping list. Purchasing groceries on the same day each week in advance of your meal prepping will help you maintain a food shopping and cooking schedule. This organization will make it easier to plan for a large family.

While meal planning for a large family may seem like a lot of work, there is plenty you can do to make it easier. Finding ways to save money and plan good meals for everyone can make a huge difference. Thought-out meal planning can help you spend less time planning meals and more time enjoying them.

Read this next: How to Get Better Results When Cooking Your Meals

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