Nobody wants to deal with food gone bad. Spoiled food generally means wasted money, so making your food last as long as possible is a smart financial move as much as it is a healthiness or cleanliness one! The best way to make your food last longer is by properly storing the stuff, so let's take a look at some of the things you need to keep in mind when arranging foodstuffs in your kitchen.
Store it in the Proper Place
When it comes to storing food, there are certain items that can be left out on the counter without any risk of spoilage. These items include bread products such as crackers, pretzels, and tortillas; dried fruits and nuts; unopened jars of peanut butter, jelly, or honey. For food that needs to be refrigerated, make sure you're storing it properly. Dairy products and meat should always be stored in the coldest part of the fridge (the back), while softer items like leftovers should go in airtight containers or bags on middle shelves. Perishable items like these tend to go relatively quickly, so don't forget to label everything with a date so you can easily keep track of when it needs to be thrown out.
Make Sure it's Well-Sealed
One of the most important steps in making sure food lasts longer is to make sure it’s well-sealed. Contamination from outside sources is a common way for food to spoil, so it’s important to make sure items are stored in airtight containers or bags. Food contaminated by pests can lead to illness. This goes for all types of food, from leftovers to dry pantry staples like cereal and rice. While sealing food can preserve it for longer, it's still important to pay attention to expiration dates. It’s important to keep in mind that these are not always hard-and-fast deadlines, as many food products can still last a bit longer than the printed date if stored properly.
Freeze It
Freezing food is a great way to help it last longer. Freezing food helps slow down the process of spoilage, preserving the flavor, texture and nutrients. You can freeze almost any type of food including fruits, vegetables, leftovers, meat, fish and dairy products. When freezing food make sure you properly store it in air tight containers or resealable plastic bags to prevent freezer burn. Be sure to label the items with the date before you freeze them so you can keep track of how long it has been in the freezer. To help keep your food at its freshest, try to use up frozen items within a few months.
Implementing these food storage tips can save you money in the long run. Not only will your food last longer, but you'll be able to plan ahead for future meals. What are some of your favorite ways to save money on groceries?
Check out this article on why cooking at home is healthier!