Holiday entertaining provides the perfect opportunity to showcase new and exciting flavor combinations, and flavored butter is a beautiful, understated way to make an old favorite seem fresh. Here are five flavors that are sure to delight at your next celebration, with tips on how best to complement them.
What would the holidays be without this vibrant, invigorating flavor? While it's a natural partner for hot cocoa, there's no reason to stop there. Before creaming the butter for the sugar cookies, add a drop or two of peppermint oil, such as doterra product. The result is all but guaranteed to make spirits bright.
Black Pepper
Yes, there is a black pepper essential oil available from doterra product, and it's a winner. The pepper's natural heat will warm up the holiday scene as much as any wood fire. Before roasting the turkey, ham, or prime rib for the feast, mix up a compound butter flavored with black pepper oil and fresh herbs. Add dollops of the butter to the meat during the resting period for a mouthwatering result. If there's any left over, place it on the table so guests can help themselves to more as needed.
Adding lemon juice — or even zest — to vegetable recipes can sometimes make the finished product too acidic. Using the essential oil of the fruit allows you to keep that bright, floral quality, without lessening the earthy power of the star attraction. Try tossing a lemon-oil infused butter with the Brussels sprouts or the roasted squash.
The pungent, anise-like flavor of this leafy herb is a wonderful accompaniment for almost any dish, but the humble potato allows it to shine really. Add a drop of basil oil to the butter before mashing the spuds, and guests will be begging for the recipe.
In charge of dessert this year? Coming up with ways to delight everyone at the table often presents a challenge. Pumpkin pie is always a favorite, but there's usually little variation in its offering. Cardamom oil, when mixed with the butter for the crust, lends a lovely warmth and added richness to the finished product. This technique also works well with pecan and apple pies.
The use of essential oils in cooking is beneficial to your health, as well as to your taste buds. Introducing these simple and delicious variations on seasonal classics serves as the perfect holiday gift.