Sweet Tea Butter

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Availability:In stock

$ 6.75 6.75


Nothing completes the end of a hot summer day like sitting on the porch swing with a glass of sun-brewed sweet tea. Now, thanks to The Chattanooga Butter Company, you can enjoy the creature comforts of the southern life any time of the year! 

Caretaking Advice: Keep this flavor refrigerated or in the freezer for longest life, which will be 6-8 weeks in the refrigerator, or 18 months in the freezer. Try to serve at room temperature for best spreading.

Sweet Tea Butter Spread Ingredients:

  • Whole Cream Grass-Fed Butter
  • Coconut Oil
  • Black Tea Extract
  • Unbleached, Unrefined Pure Sugar Cane
  • Sea Salt (Natural Preservative)


 100% Organic, Low Sodium, Gluten Free, No Artificial Fats/Trans-Fats, Sweeteners, Colors, or Preservatives!